Koortskruid en Drakenstaal Project Aquariumvissen
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Tooyadenken vs Aquariumdenken
Aquariumdenken: video
Steun de opstart
Bruno Gröning
Bijna Dood
Yes, I want to help to launch Tooya with ...
Help: pennies, knowledge, experience, tips, contacts: this is the place to be
Verplicht veld
You want to support the project? Make a choice
a (possibly anonymous) free gift (max.20 € or equivalent)
contact me. I have a proposition
When the IndieGoGo campaign starts I'm in
just out of sympathy. Keep me informed!
vrije gift: aub hou je aan de 20€-regel. We hebben je nog nodig voor de echte campagne. Als mensen zien dat er al geld binnen is komen ze véél makkelijker over de brug. contacteer me: je hebt tips, wil zelf meewerken, kent iemand die we kunnen gebruiken enz enz: deze optie aanklikken. Specifieer in het 'reactie' veld. De twee andere opties spreken voor zich.
If the structure of Tooya Foundation is on its feet we adapt our website to work in a more professional manner. At this stage it is still all a one man job. And the focus is on finishing the first draft, of course.
But at this stage a bit of money is also needed. This website is made with Weebly. All of the features available with this subscription will do for now. But a professional subscription, web space, travel to meetings and discussions and much more is also expensive.
This translation will do for the time being but will also need a professional overhaul I think by the time we start the IndieGoGo campaign.
The previous fifteen years, I have paid for everything myself from a limited income. (Travel, documentation, training, books, office equipment, domain names, learn to make websites etc etc) You do not want to know what that has cost me until now ...
But now a temporary buffer is more than welcome.
In November I will travel to the United Kingdom to consult with my advisors and translator there.
Everyone contributing (financially or logistically) gets access to the start-up blog on this site, with information on what happens concerning Tooya. For now, we keep the contributors informed by e-mail until the foundation can take over in a more structured way.
Thanks for understanding
on the right: This window appears when you click the Paypal link. You can set the currency and the amount. Easy for you, and a huge relief for me. That allows me to concentrate fully on what now really is important: to finish the book.
But even if you do not choose the first option is a great boost for me :-) Don't hesitate to react (in a constructive way)
Love you all - Namasté
Taking startup gifts (not used for anything else)
IBAN: BE 16 7295 3026 2529
Jan Van Roy
Beobank Belgium
or click the following link to pay to pay the easy way with Paypal:
Than you will see a window something like this
Note that this Paypal link and bank account are intended only for supporters, friends or family who want to give my project a helping hand. You buy no goods or services. Later there will be official pay channels as the proper Tooya structure is in place. We keep record of your gift, and this amount will come back to you as a discount when you want to purchase the novel once it's published. If you desire so.
maximum € 20/£/$ please. If you want to give more: save that for the official crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo. (with its own payment channels) which starts in late autumn.
only if you want to...