More pages in English will come online soon! Keep coming back!
(*) skald: bard, storyteller,'tabloid' in word and music of the Viking-age
Think Out Of Your Aquarium - TOOYA!
the 'call to action' of project Aquariumfish. Working on it. Start (we hope) early 2017
,The actual Tooya website is in full development. Please be patient. My first goal is to get the first draft of Betony and Dragon Steel finished. In Dutch the title is Koortskruid en Drakenstaal. Fever Spice and Dragon Steel. I wonder I should choose that title in English too...
Tooya Foundation will support projects that do things and work around inclusion, expression, simple happiness, warmth, comfort. And all what benefits people, animals, nature. Our environment we have to live in and take care of.
Tooya ultimately will work with the funds that come from people who FeelThink (new word?) along the lines of the Tooya philosophy, and who want to share voluntarily and with pleasure.
The first projects Tooya Foundation will support are projects where I am intimately involved in, or "accidentally" have been dropped in by the same force that is been pulling me by the ears for fifteen years. A force with a lot of humour and that is not afraid of funny coincidences. Or drama. But that's life.
Project 1: Sjarabang: Mechelen, Belgium. Artists with and without disabilities. Active in painting, theatre, clay and hundreds of other refreshing and creative ideas. Site in Dutch. Later on we will dedicate a page on Sjarabang on this site.
Project 2: (about) life, death and mourning - OVOK vzw - The parents of a deceased child. Also in Dutch. The only people who can really understand those parents are their peers in grief. But who knows those support groups exist?
And a third project where you can already participate right now. With no costs and large benefits, and what I call
Doing a Filip Moment
What is that? On a beautiful location leave the name (temporarily!) From someone who is very dear to you, and departed to that other dimension we can not reach with our limited senses, but it's there. We are energy. Thinking is energy. Feeling is energy. And as long as we continue to feel reminiscent of the beloved on the other side of the veil that energy remains in the form that he or she has known in this very short existence.
Filip is the forever nineteen year old son of my dearest friend Monique. A few months before his passing, Filip has expressed the following in a touching way on his exam of religion in high school.
If someone you love dies,
it hurts, it hurts a lot.
But even then you should not forget that there are so many beautiful things,
People who love you
and try to help you in your grief
You should try to enjoy
those beautiful things, and then the pain
gets more bearable every day
until you can continue to... live
(translation of Filips own words, in June 2010, a week before his last conscious day)
Tooya-thinking is also grabbing the opportunities that chance throws in your lap to realise your dreams. And contributing to the dreams of others you feel connected with, where you can...
Other pages will be translated ASAP. Thanks and Think Out Of Your Aquarium!
Tooya Foundation will support projects that do things and work around inclusion, expression, simple happiness, warmth, comfort. And all what benefits people, animals, nature. Our environment we have to live in and take care of.
Tooya ultimately will work with the funds that come from people who FeelThink (new word?) along the lines of the Tooya philosophy, and who want to share voluntarily and with pleasure.
The first projects Tooya Foundation will support are projects where I am intimately involved in, or "accidentally" have been dropped in by the same force that is been pulling me by the ears for fifteen years. A force with a lot of humour and that is not afraid of funny coincidences. Or drama. But that's life.
Project 1: Sjarabang: Mechelen, Belgium. Artists with and without disabilities. Active in painting, theatre, clay and hundreds of other refreshing and creative ideas. Site in Dutch. Later on we will dedicate a page on Sjarabang on this site.
Project 2: (about) life, death and mourning - OVOK vzw - The parents of a deceased child. Also in Dutch. The only people who can really understand those parents are their peers in grief. But who knows those support groups exist?
And a third project where you can already participate right now. With no costs and large benefits, and what I call
Doing a Filip Moment
What is that? On a beautiful location leave the name (temporarily!) From someone who is very dear to you, and departed to that other dimension we can not reach with our limited senses, but it's there. We are energy. Thinking is energy. Feeling is energy. And as long as we continue to feel reminiscent of the beloved on the other side of the veil that energy remains in the form that he or she has known in this very short existence.
Filip is the forever nineteen year old son of my dearest friend Monique. A few months before his passing, Filip has expressed the following in a touching way on his exam of religion in high school.
If someone you love dies,
it hurts, it hurts a lot.
But even then you should not forget that there are so many beautiful things,
People who love you
and try to help you in your grief
You should try to enjoy
those beautiful things, and then the pain
gets more bearable every day
until you can continue to... live
(translation of Filips own words, in June 2010, a week before his last conscious day)
Tooya-thinking is also grabbing the opportunities that chance throws in your lap to realise your dreams. And contributing to the dreams of others you feel connected with, where you can...
Other pages will be translated ASAP. Thanks and Think Out Of Your Aquarium!
some beautiful spots we 'did a Filip-moment'